7 Reasons Why Academic Upped Grades for Students
During the early stages of the pandemic, academic grades are inflated to support students cope with the tougher online environment. Nobody was prepared for such a big change in their life. Shifting from face-to-face to online education is the biggest change that students had to face. They were used to getting regular feedback from teachers, meeting friends and having friends together, and participating in extra-curricular activities. So putting all that on pause and shifting to a different learning procedure can be very overwhelming. They already had so many questions in mind: How will this work? What about their dream career? What if the internet does not work properly? How to do assignments when so many things are going on outside?
Staying indoors with limited social life is very tough with students as they are not used to this lifestyle. On top of that, the rising number of people affected by the virus also adds mental pressure on them. In addition, if there is a family member infected with the virus, students really find it hard to focus on their work.
There are still questions on the effectiveness of online learning. It is still a debate to discuss. Some instructors did not have any training or experience in teaching online. U.S. education systems were not built to handle extended shutdowns like those imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, administrators, parents and teachers worked really hard to keep learning alive for children. Academicians upped grades for students not to stress too much on grades and focus on the learning instead. I will list down top reasons why academicians upped grades during the pandemic: Also read Why Students Prefer Online Academic Writing Service For Assignment Help?
- Uneven access to the internet and devices
The digital divide has made it impossible for some students to continue learning with ease for some students. A lot of parents have lost jobs due to the pandemic. They are not financially well to afford expenses like regular internet or personal devices like laptops or smartphones. Without proper internet connection or devices, students can’t listen to their teachers, learn and complete their assignments. This learning gap is really not fair.
- Lack of computer knowledge
One of the major concerns for students is the lack of computer education. Several students cannot operate basis M.S. Word and PowerPoint. The worse situation for them is facing technical issues. Some of the more struggling areas would be appropriate icons, communication-related apps, browsing study materials, etc.
They do not sometimes know how to log in or different features of apps where they communicate with their teachers.
- Time management
Whenever we start doing something new, we take time to get used to it and mastering it. And chewing more time can be very stressful as you might get behind everyone or affect grades. Online learning requires intensive work. They need a schedule planned to manage their studies effectively. Sometimes it can be so overwhelming; they seek assistance from university paper help services. Grades upped can really calm the nerve for the students and help them get settled with the new environment.
- Problems for deaf or hard of hearing students
Online learning is the biggest challenge for those who are deaf or have hearing difficulties. They have multiplying chances of falling behind. Teachers are connecting with them using voice-to-text applications and video transcriptions.
- Isolation
Isolation is a psychological factor that is highly affecting the learning progress and motivation of the students. Education is not just about gaining knowledge, but it is also about interacting with friends and teachers. They are used to eye-to-eye communication, joking, making stories around lessons, reacting together, sharing the experience, strengthening social skills.
Classrooms were a room of wonder, experiments, and cultivate ideas that are now taken away from them. Disconnecting with friends, parents’ job loss, pandemic is psychologically affecting them. Such stressful situation is making them lose focus from school lessons or projects. Preparing assignments or term papers can be an added pressure on them. So academics being considerable and upping the grade can really lower the stress building upon them.
- Technical issues
Not every student is equipped with a high internet connection required in online learning. And due to this, they face troubles like going live for virtual learning. If you do not have high-speed connectivity, you will not enter the class on time and miss live sessions. You will face other difficulties like downloading information, videos related to your subject. It can be really frustrating when there are interruptions between learning lessons. There are times when Wi-Fi gets spotty and weak monitors to make it challenging to keep up with virtual classmates.
- Students get left behind
In traditional classrooms, teachers can easily monitor students and thus adjust their pace accordingly to accommodate students who require extra time or attention.
But it is not possible to do so in an online learning environment. It is not easy to read body language through virtual screens. Learners will “put on a brave face” or be silent and leave the class with being clueless or frustrated. It can be difficult for them to catch up with the rest of the other students.
We do not know how long COVID-19 is going to last. Students may have been dramatically affected by the crisis. Adapting to the situation takes time. But students should not get affected by the sudden shift to online learning. Many things had been snatched away from them, and scoring them according to their performance when students are going through so much seems unfair. Academics have upped the grade to give enough time to students to settle in and get used to the lifestyle.
AUTHOR BIO: Alley John is a career counsellor at one of the most prestigious universities in the USA. He is also associated with MyAssignmenthelp.com, where he offers essay writing help solutions to students. If you are looking for a good suggestion in paper checker tools, he is the best person to recommend you.