5 Nature-Filled Adventures in Armidale For Your Family Day Out

5 Nature-Filled Adventures in Armidale For Your Family Day Out

Adventures in Armidale

Armidale is a charming town in the New England region in New South Wales. It balances an urban vibe amid a country landscape. While it’s a small, and less-traveled town, it’s jam-packed with lovely places to see and things to do for your family day out — thanks to the town’s historical rural charm, a wealth of national parks filled with waterfalls, wild rivers, and gorges, amazing food and wine, and arts and culture scene. 

One of the best ways to spend a quality family day in Armidale is to get in touch with the New England Region’s magnificent natural wonders. The good news is you don’t need to spend lots of money to enjoy your Armidale family vacation. You just need to pack loads of energy and a good pair of walking shoes. 

We uncover the fun, family-friendly nature adventures you can experience Armidale for cheap, and in most cases, for free.

1. Head to the Point Lookout

Adventures in Armidale

If you’re looking for a more laid back trip, you may head to the Point Lookout, a viewing platform in New England National Park. The platform provides breathtaking views of deep valleys clothed in rain-forests and panoramic views stretching to the north, east, and south, all the way to the Pacific ocean. 

2. Discover the breathtaking waterfalls and gorges

Forget the crowded and overpriced amusement parks and water-parks that are anything but unique. If you’re going to walk and get wet anyway, why not allow mother nature to give you the best short day trip your family needs? The good news is Armidale is home to a couple of natural wonders your family will love, including Australia’s second-highest waterfall. 

Many tourists book flights to Armidale for its captivating natural wonders. 

The region boasts its gorgeous waterfalls, deep gorges, ancient rain forests, and abundant wildlife dotted around the area. Check out these breathtaking, significant natural wonders for your family adventure: 

  • Wollomombi Falls (220-metre) – the second highest waterfall in Australia located in the Oxley Wild Rivers National Park
  • Ebor Falls
  • Dangars Falls and Gorge
  • Gara Gorge and Blue Hole Waterfalls 
  • Tia Falls
  • Apsley Falls
  • Bakers Creek Falls
  • Metz Gorge

3. Visit a National Park for exhilarating outdoor adventures

Adventures in Armidale

Armidale has thousands of hectares of world-heritage national parks and state forests to see and explore. These include: 

  • Oxley Wild Rivers National Park
  • New England National Park
  • Cunnawarra National Park
  • Werrikimbe National Park
  • Cathedral Rock National Park
  • Guy Fawkes and Chaelundi National Park
  • Green Gully Track

The first four form part of the Gondwana Rain-forests of Australia World Heritage Area. 

Stroll through protected rain-forests. Climb giant rock formations. Try mountain biking. Meet rare wildlife up close and personal. View picturesque waterfalls and gorges. Enjoy kayaking and rafting in the rivers. Camp and have a picnic. Catch fresh fish for your family meals. The national parks have got you covered. 

4. Camp at Oxley Wild Rivers National Park

Adventures in Armidale

If your trip is brief and you can only visit one national park, let it be Oxley Wild Rivers National Park. Spend a day or two in this world heritage-listed Gondwana rainforest with historic sites, campgrounds, impressive waterfalls, and an extensive collection of exotic flora and fauna. 

This park has a lot of walking tracks and campgrounds, perfect for walking, birdwatching, sightseeing, picnics, camping, biking, horse-riding, fishing, and swimming. 

Here are some of the fun activities you may enjoy: 

What to see: 

  • Wollomombi Falls 
  • Gara Gorge lookout
  • Budds Mare lookout
  • Tia Falls lookout and picnic area
  • Apsley Falls
  • Oxley Wild Rivers Drive

Where to camp: 

  • East Kunderang Homestead
  • Apsley Falls campground
  • Budds Mare campground
  • Dangars Gorge campground
  • Halls Peak campground and picnic area
  • Riverside campground and picnic area
  • Wollomombi campground
  • Riverside campground and picnic area

Where to unwind and have a picnic: 

  • Apsley Falls picnic area
  • Blue Hole picnic area
  • Dangars Falls picnic area
  • Threlfall picnic area
  • Wollomombi Falls picnic area

Walking tracks to explore: 

  • Apsley Gorge Rim walking track
  • Budds Mare to Riverside walking track
  • Cassinia walking track
  • Chandler View circuit walk
  • McDirtys walking track
  • Salisbury Waters walking track
  • The Green Gully track
  • Threlfall walking track
  • Oxley walking track
  • Wollomombi walking track
  • Tia Falls walk
  • Tiara walking track

Tours: Oxley Wild Rivers guided hiking adventures

5. Take a scenic drive along the Waterfall Way

Adventures in Armidale

Don’t feel like going out and mingle with tourists? You can see the beauty of the New England region without actually staying outdoors for long periods. How about a scenic drive along the Waterfall Way, one laidback Sunday afternoon? 

This picturesque drive between Armidale and Coffs Harbour winds through five national parks. You can stop for a while and simply adore the lush green landscapes and a couple of waterfalls. One of the highlights is the breathtaking Ebor Falls in the Guy Fawkes River National Park.

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