Effective Time Management Plan to Improve Your Studies

Effective Time Management Plan to Improve Your Studies

Effective Time Management Plan

Hard worker or Smart worker! Both require a strategy to effectively work out their studies. We plan to study a lot in a day and then something or the other pops up and Lo! and Behold! Done with our plan.

These techniques are definitely going to work out for you be it in planning for presentations, Study Help Me k, or completing assignments. 

Time management has always been an enigma to students. Be it implementing it for help in homework or completing assignments, time management always helps us in our studies. In our childhood we are taught to work by maintaining a timetable but how far does it work out. So let’s get to the most simple and tested ways of managing time.

  1. Figure out your larger and long-term goals: we all have aims towards which we plan our studies, as in for a class 10th student it might be to ace his boards or for an aspirant of competitive examination it might be to ace his exam. So set out your goal.
  2. Monthly targets: Now that you have decided for yourself a goal, you must make for yourself a monthly target to be achieved. For eg: I have to complete the Chemistry so and so chapter this month, and the like. 
  3. Smaller daily targets: Your daily target shouldn’t be like completing an entire subject in a day. These daily targets should be achievable even if some emergency crops up. Like I’ll complete the exercise of Chapter 4 in Maths, and the like. Walk by taking tiny steps. Running may result in missing some stops in your way.
  4. Avoid exerting yourself for hours at a go: If you plan to keep on sitting till you complete your work, most of the efforts go in vain. Studies show that the attention span of an individual ranges from 45 to 60 minutes. So study for 45 minutes and take a 15-minute break.
  5. The break should not have activities that tire your mind: Don’t plan on checking your mobile or playing online games or watching a movie in the 15-minute break. The activity of the eyes tires your mind and the sole purpose of taking the break is not achieved. Try to take a walk, listen to music, meditate or just close your eyes and let thoughts flow in these 15 minutes.
  6. Don’t try to catch too many rabbits at a time: If you plan on doing everything in one day, that is not possible. Try to do one thing at a time.
  7. Stay away from Distractions: There is always a subjective understanding of distractions. Thus you must figure out for yourself what distracts you and stay away from it as much as possible. Distractions not only divert your attention but also keep you disturbed in your productive time.
  8. Be a night owl or an early bird: For some of us it becomes really difficult to abide by the quote, “ Early bird catches the worm”. The thing is whenever you study your focus should only be the same and if you try to exert yourself by exerting yourself and waking up early in the morning and then feel sleepy all the while, there is no point in getting up early. But it is always good to get up early since research points out that the mind is most productive in the morning. Try to decrease the time of your getting up as if you get up at 8, make it 7:30 in a few days, and so on. But at the end of the day, it is you who has to figure out when you are most productive.
  9. Don’t Procrastinate: This is the main reason behind setting smaller targets. Larger targets lead to their procrastination and if you are not able to achieve these targets you stress out yourself and tend to delay the work further since the mind is now stressed. Thus one must not delay tasks.
  10.  Make a timetable for yourself on a daily basis: We have all been in the habit of making a set timetable for each day of our year. But not each day is going to have the same activities. Thus we should make a time table according to the next day’s engagements.
  11. Leave spaces in your timetable: Now suppose I planned to study from 11 to 12 noon but something urgent pops up, my timetable gets disturbed. Thus one must put at least 1-hour extra slot in the timetable to compensate for the loss.

Researchers have propounded several theories for time management and I am listing two of the best and the ones with the most results:

  1. The Pomodoro Technique: Here study time of 25 minutes is followed by a short break and after four such rotations one is advised to take a longer break. Short targets are prescribed for these 25 minutes and are tick-marked once the timer of 25 minutes goes off.
  2. The ABC Method: In this method A contains the most important tasks due soon, B contains important tasks but not due soon and C contains the not-so-important tasks with no deadlines. One may allot time accordingly.

Thus you may figure out for yourself what suits you the best and implement accordingly. But remember to eustress yourself not distress. But remember to set targets yourself since nobody knows you better than yourself. Depending on others seems like reading a book in some unacquainted language.

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