How To Choose The Right Concrete Paver Molds For your Home And Garden

The question of which concrete mixer to buy for home construction remains always relevant, because every owner wants to build a house for many years, high-quality and durable, and without a good mixing of concrete for the foundation or mortar for the facade, the desired result cannot be achieved concrete paver molds.
In fact, no construction process can be imagined without a productive and reliable concrete mixer. It is convenient and practical, withstands strong mechanical loads, and its well-thought-out working mechanism allows you to prepare a large volume of high-quality construction mixture in the shortest possible time.
It is from the correct choice of a concrete mixer that many parameters of the working process depend. Therefore, it is necessary to choose such a unit with special care, having studied a lot of material and having received advice from experienced experts.
The operation of any concrete mixer is based on the preparation of a uniform and high-quality mixture by rotating the drum. Turning the mechanism allows you to achieve a high mixing result, and a large drum volume contributes to an increase in the volume of the resulting finished mixture. The rotation of the mechanism is carried out due to the presence of an electric drive. The premium concrete mixer is designed to optimize the workflow on the construction site, making the right mixer selection a must-have for your entire enterprise.
How to choose a concrete mixer and which type should be preferred? First of all, it is worthwhile to carefully study the features and main types of construction of concrete mixers.
Types of concrete mixers
The principle of mixing the solution takes place in different ways, depending on which type of mixer you choose.
There are two of them:
- Gravity concrete mixer. The whole principle of operation of such models is based on the rotation of the drum, the walls of which are equipped with firmly fixed blades. As they rotate, these blades pick up components (sand, cement and crushed stone along with water), lifting them up and preventing them from sliding along the inner walls of the drum. Under the influence of gravity, these same components fall down, and then the process is repeated. Multiple repetition (up and down) allows to achieve a high level of uniformity of material mixing.
- Forced type concrete mixer. Here, everything happens the other way around. The drum is stationary, only the blades inside the device rotate. It should be noted that such a unit consumes more electrical energy than its gravitational counterpart.
- Compulsory concrete mixers are rarely bought for small volume work on small backyards. But gravitational ones are ideal for work in the country or near a private house.
According to the type of drive, concrete mixers are usually divided into:
- Crown concrete mixers. In these models, the rotation from the motor to the drum is transmitted through a pinion through a ring gear that is located around the entire circumference outside the entire container. The disadvantage here is the permanent wear of the toothed end under the influence of external factors. But it is easy to replace it with a new one if necessary, and this does not require special financial costs.
- Gearbox concrete mixers. The transmission of the rotational motion of the motor shaft takes place through a robust gearbox. The entire mechanism of this type of concrete mixers is protected by a robust casing that prevents wear on all parts. Such devices are much more durable and stronger, the gearbox is located above the drum, so dust and sand do not get into it. But the failure of one particle leads to the replacement of the entire gearbox.
- I recommend taking a crown device for home construction work. Although it makes a very loud noise, it is, firstly, much cheaper, and secondly, if it breaks down, it is easy to eliminate the shortcomings.