How To Help Small Business After Covid-19
During the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing and self-isolation is the right solution to contain the spread of the disease, but there is no need to remain indifferent to others. It is important to provide support to small and medium-sized businesses, as well as charitable foundations, otherwise many of them will close, and people will be left without work.
Help is needed for small bakeries, cozy coffee shops around the corner, tea shops, floristry studios, ceramics, jewelry workshops, farm produce stores and other small companies.

Go grocery shopping in nearby stores. During a pandemic, a hypermarket is not the best place to visit, you better go to the nearest grocery store. Even with a small purchase, you will help him not to close. And it is more likely that in a local store you will even find something that is instantly taken off the shelves in hypermarkets. Do not give in to general panic, support small business, which is not easy now.
Order delivery and leave a tip. Do not think that restaurants and cafes are completely closed, many continue to take orders. Even bars offer cocktails with delivery! Don’t be sad if your favorite bar is in quarantine, throw a home party with your friends via video link. Order your favorite treats and drinks at restaurants and bars that need your support right now.
For safety, use contactless delivery, which is offered not only by well-known companies Yandex. Food, Delivery Club, Avito, Lamoda, Ozon, Wildberries, but also by small cafes and shops. Pay for the purchase with gloves, do not forget to wipe your bank card with an antiseptic. Experts from Roskachestvo recommend even wiping the packaging of goods with an antiseptic or washing with soap.
If possible, leave a tip. Couriers can be restaurant waiters and even owners of small cafes, as well as people who have been laid off. Let’s support each other!
Great Support for Small and Medium Businesses
You can use the gift certificates after the general quarantine. Stock up on discount cards from bookstores, beauty salons, yoga studios or fitness centers. This is a great support for small and medium businesses! Companies will receive money that will be used to pay rent, loans and employee salaries.
Share your favorite stores on social media. Share your recommendation for shops, cafes, bars, craftsmen on Instagram. Encourage shopping or ordering services to provide at least a little help to small businesses.
If you cannot help with money or purchases, support with a recommendation! The word of mouth method is considered one of the best ways to promote a business. Our Portland digital agency will help you to push your website to promote your business on Google.
Don’t forget to leave a good review. Take time to leave positive reviews for stores and businesses you have ever worked with and are happy with. Leave good reviews on search engines and social media. A few good words will raise the company’s rating and help you cope during a difficult period.
Be patient! If you had to wait a long time for an order, or the administrator did not immediately answer your call, do not rush to leave a negative review. A difficult period has now come for small and medium-sized businesses, delivery does not always go smoothly, staff may face difficulties due to the new operating mode. Some businesses had to cut their staff altogether; employees may not have time to quickly place your order.
Keep calm and be a little patient! While waiting for delivery, you better relax with the help of anti-stress coloring pages, we have a large selection of pictures for such an occasion.
Do not cancel scheduled procedures, but reschedule to other days. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many procedures had to be canceled. Tutors, trainers, manicurists, cleaners and many other specialists were left without work. Support the masters, let them know that you do not want to cancel the reservation and be sure to use the service when the quarantine ends.Make an advance payment
It is great if you can pay in advance for the work of a manicure master, yoga coach, tutor, seamstress, even if you receive the service or product only after quarantine. Support the masters who were left without work for this time. You can also learn how to boost your product on Amazon here.
Offer your help to small businesses. Perhaps you are a cool lawyer, SMM manager, IT specialist, designer, and you can support small businesses with your services. Write to your favorite coffee shop, bakery or workshop, find out what help they need. Draw people’s attention to the problem, someone will definitely respond and be able to help!
Support the trainers!
Conduct online training
Fitness centers are closed, trainers are left without clients and money. Yoga, Pilates, rhythmoplasty instructors conduct online classes in closed groups at a minimal cost, join us!
Workouts at home without the right equipment are more difficult to do. In this case, a trainer will come to your aid, who will conduct an online workout and tell you what can be used to replace, for example, the thrust of the upper block at home. Support the trainer and learn to train in unfamiliar conditions.
Continue with tutoring. Suggest that your tutor switch to a distance learning format, even if he has never encountered such a form of teaching. Help him understand the techniques and programs for online classes. We recommend our article on how to use the Zoom platform.
Take part in online master classes. It’s time to plunge into art therapy in quarantine or learn how to decorate cakes. Choose an activity you like, participate and support workshops!
Help charities. Not only business, but also non-profit projects are suffering from the pandemic. Local charities are being forced to scale back support and even lay off employees. If you have the opportunity, help charity projects with any amount!