Production Planning Software Development Using Agile Methodology

Production Planning Software (or PRS) is a software application used by most of the manufacturing companies around the world for planning and controlling the production process. The application facilitates effective analysis of the production process, making it easier to make strategic decisions. It gives you an overview of the present production situation and provides a clear picture of the future trend. The software helps in efficient working of the manpower, resources and financial resources. It also helps in decision making and helps in reducing costs.
The production management software provides production managers and supervisors with valuable information on current production, current assets allocation, future production plan, material budgeting and daily production reports. The software provides detailed information of material cost, labor cost, plant materials, operation cost, fixed asset cost and variable cost. It is designed in such a way that it meets the requirement of the various kinds of productions and helps in decision making. This software provides comprehensive information and enables proper resource allocation.
The market demand and growth rate in upcoming years-2021 and thereafter are described. In the production planning stage it gives the production managers an overview of current production status and future production targets, based on present and forecasted daily production data. Analysis of the present and forecasted daily production data and their relation to key players in the production process and their individual plans and objectives give the manager an idea of the overall task to be performed. The production management software development helps in identifying and addressing the key issues that restrict resources and hinder the production process. It identifies the scope for improvement in the existing systems and suggests measures for modification of the processes and policies that govern the activities of the production managers and supervisor staff.
The production management software development is flexible and modifiable and can cater to all business requirements. It has an user friendly interface that facilitates easy use by novice as well as professional users. The software provides complete solutions for time and cost management, quality assurance, quality control, manufacturing data management and forecasting, work scheduling, optimal utilization of manpower and quality of the final product. In order to shorten the cycle times, the software helps in the reduction of cost of production.
The global production management software development deals with planning, organizing, staffing, manufacturing, delivering, packaging, sales and after-sale services and is designed for quick decision making. It helps in decision making and resource allocation and improves productivity. It facilitates coordination between production staffs of different departments and between various parts of the plant which can reduce the cost of production and improve quality. It identifies the key players in the business, the nature and location of the competition and provides information required for effective strategy formulation. It also identifies opportunities and threats in the market and develops methods for overcoming them.
It is the job of the software developer to help the manufacturing department achieve its objectives through the efficient and timely delivery. Production software development deals with production planning, material management, planning and materials scheduling, production planning, material budgeting, production quality control, process re-engineering, integration, production quality improvement and fault finding. With this information, the company can plan and act quickly to deal with any unforeseen circumstance that may arise. The production planning helps in improving the quality, quantity and efficiency. The material management deals with handling raw materials, material budgets and inventory, material movements and stock clearing, work orders, cost accounting, and material warranties.
The production planning softwares help in production planning by organizing the process, assigning duties and tasks, identifying and measuring materials used in production, measuring the quantities of finished goods, and planning for future production. It helps in taking the right production decisions and reduces wastage of resources. Proper material budgeting determines how much resources should be allotted for daily production and how much should be saved for possible future purchases. Measurement of the quantities of finished goods and future production determines the resources allotment and helps in decision making.
In a manufacturing organization, the development of a proper production management software requires the use of an agile methodology. Agile software development methodologies apply the principle of “Feature Driven Development” in software development. This principle states that new features or functions that enhance the functionality of an application are developed first. Later, these features or functions are integrated with or are applied as solutions to operational problems. In addition, new functionality or features, that decrease cost, are integrated with or are applied as solutions to operational problems. These solutions improve the quality of the product or service delivered by users and provide businesses additional value by reducing waste or unnecessary expenditures.