Top 10 Tall Indoor Plants to Liven Up Your Space

Grow a collection of tall indoor plants instead of just adding a few little succulents to your decor if you want to give your house more vitality. According to Lindsay Pang born, a gardening expert at Blooms cape, tall houseplants can instantly breathe new life into a room by adding texture and dimension to any home decor style.
Height-oriented indoor plants are essential ornamental elements. Tall plants add a sense of presence to a room and, from a design standpoint, stack the foliage so that it is visible from several angles rather than just from a desk or tabletop.
Working in a small space? Not to worry. Tall indoor plants can still be used to your advantage. According to Lisa Steinkopf, founder of the Houseplant Guru and author of Houseplants and four other gardening publications, only one plant is enough to create a dramatic focal point in a space. She claims that placing a tall plant in a space with high ceilings “accentuates the height and draws your eye upward.”
Best Tall Indoor Plants
1. Areca Palm
Choose an areca palm Plant (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) if you reside in a dilapidated, draughty Victorian mansion in Maine since it is more cold-resilient than many other palms. Additionally, give me a call because you’re living the dream.
However, if you want a palm with gracefully weeping, strappy fronds and live somewhere with adequate insulation and HVAC, an areca palm is a fantastic option. It can grow up to eight feet tall and survive in extremely low light.
Buy one from Fast Growing Trees for a variety of sizes and pot options.
They have one- to two-foot plants, three-gallon growers, white or beige pots, or six-inch growers or white pots.
2. Dragon Tree
The dragon tree is a native of Madagascar and has an upright, straight trunk that looks like it is wrapped in brown paper. It can grow to a height of 6 feet (6.0 metres) outdoors but does so slowly and will remain indoors under your ceiling.
Its offshoot branches also grow almost vertically, and the effect is finished off by tufts of abrasive, pointed foliage that is long and thin.
Bright green leaves with crimson borders, again pointing mostly to the sky but also a little to the sides, are present.
The entire design is excellent and has clean, exact lines. Even though it doesn’t often bloom indoors, when it does, the blossoms are lovely and white.
The dragon tree is a hardy, low-maintenance houseplant that is suited for even a minimalist style because of its elegant slenderness.
3. Money Tree
The money tree is a tropical tree with a distinctive braided stem. According to ancient Chinese tradition, the tree was the fulfilment of a poor farmer’s wishes for prosperity and success. In modern feng shui, it’s still regarded as a fantastic plant for luring abundance into the home.
Your money tree should grow if you give it bright, indirect light, water it every one to two weeks, and remember to regularly clean the leaves off of it. Money trees don’t require a lot of space and will grow better in smaller pots because they have small root systems.
4. Snake plant
The snake plant is the answer if you’re hesitant to keep houseplants because you don’t think you have a green thumb. Snake plants are almost impossible to destroy and incredibly simple to maintain. Most significantly, they add beauty to any home, according to Pang born. These sturdy, tall houseplants, which have upright, sword-shaped leaves, do well in a range of environments. They endure all light conditions, from full sun to low light, and only need to be watered occasionally, according to her. To ensure that this intriguing plant grows in your house, just be sure you are knowledgeable about snake plant care before you purchase.
5. Monstera
The Monstera, also referred to as the Swiss cheese or split leaf plant, has gained popularity as an indoor houseplant. Give your contemporary living area the extra “oomph” it requires by adding a Monstera plant. This plant requires watering once every one to two weeks and only minimal upkeep.
6. Weeping fig
The decorative weeping fig is a traditional indoor plant if you want to add height to a space. It has slender, arching branches covered in dark green or variegated, wavy-edged leaves.
These tall, thin plants, which can grow to a height of up to 8 feet, look their best when positioned in a bright, sunny location.
If weeping figs start to approach the ceiling too closely, they can be trimmed to keep them in check. They don’t like to be moved around, so it’s better to keep them in the same spot.
7. Bird of Paradise
The bird of paradise is a fascinating houseplant that you want to incorporate into your indoor garden. This tropical flowering plant features unusual flowers that resemble colorful birds and beautiful, deep green leaves.
Every one to two weeks, or when the soil is absolutely dry, give your bird of paradise some water. Although this plant can handle almost any kind of light, full sun is preferred for the most vibrant flowers.
8. Rubber Plant
This low-maintenance houseplant with long, glossy leaves has long been used to elevate interior decor. When choosing a location to showcase them, keep in mind that rubber plants grow swiftly and can grow up to 10 feet tall in just a few years. Although you’ll want to pick a brighter place to get faster development, they are less picky than their fiddle leaf fig siblings and can adapt to brightly lit or lower-light spaces. Thorough watering is required for rubber plants, but overwatering can cause yellowing and leaf drop.
9. Peace lily
The white, flag-like blossoms of peace lilies are frequently used to identify them. They’re a fantastic option for anyone looking to invest in beautiful air-purifying plants or who lacks light in their living area. Raffaele Di Lallo, author of Houseplant Warrior and creator of the plant-care website Ohio Tropics, claims that it is one of the very few indoor plants that can bloom in less light. “Every home ought to have at least one of them.” When it comes to watering this plant that purifies the air, Steinkopf suggests keeping the soil moist.
10. Umbrella Plant
The umbrella plant, sometimes called Schefflera, gets its name from the way its drooping leaflets are arranged in a circle around a stem in the middle. This plant can reach a height of 10 feet inside, even though indoor examples usually lack flowers. If necessary, you can clip the tallest stems’ crowns to promote fuller, bushier growth. You should occasionally rotate your umbrella plant to ensure even growth because umbrella plants require a lot of strong light.