Top 9 Impressive Apps Built with The Flutter Framework

Over the past few decades, flutter has been a most demanding framework for app development. Many developers focus on flutter app development for different reasons. Google introduces a cross-platform app development framework that helps developers very much. As a developer, you can create and cross-compile apps for diverse platforms with Flutter.
It is the most popular app development platform in the world. The framework is reliably new and brings stunning attributes, including super-fast rendering. Google supports this framework due to its excellent utility and ecosystem. It lets developers build native UI for Android and ios.
- Features play a vital role in making the framework the hottest trend in app development.
- Many developers and entrepreneurs demand flutter to make creative applications and accelerate business.
- Before working with the framework, developers pay attention to apps built with Flutter.
- After creating an app, developers preview changes.
- It is a good asset for high-performance applications.
- When using Flutter, you can work with a few resource-intensive designs.
Easy-to-use SDK helps individuals develop and run apps on Android and ios. It assists developers in making an app and gains enormous benefits. Developers never get extra help for app development.
Top apps develop with Flutter:
Acclaimed and loved apps in recent times have been built with Flutter. When you use the app for the first time, you can really impress. Developers create apps with gorgeous UI and smooth navigation. You can look at some of the apps built with the Flutter framework.
1. Google ads:
Google utilizes such a framework to make the stunning flutter app. Google Ads is a popular business app with the Flutter. Advertising application helps users to develop, maintain, track, and optimize ad campaign.
Through the app, users get help and advice from the in-house marketing expert and carry out tasks like editing keywords, updating bids, and acquiring stats about the campaign. App lies in the simplicity of managing complex activities from UI.
Developers optimize the app for the smartphone screen that is entirely pleasing and intuitive. It is the best approach to get users detailed information regarding the campaign and real-time alerts. Users have the complete advantage of enhancing the campaigns on the go.
2. Realtor.com:
It is the best award-winning app that uses the Flutter framework. Individuals identify ideal homes quickly with this app. A cross platform app development brings vast benefits to businesses and attracts customers.
It provides a real-time listing of properties available in different locations. Users also avail of property with a mortgage calculator and estimated price. App’s best features are filter tools, ease to use, search, virtual tour, and image recognition.
All the necessary things are handled with the Flutter framework. Developers use frameworks to create a better UI that captures the user’s attention. Quick navigation allows users to navigate anything as soon as possible.
3. Reflect:
It is an AI-powered journal app that assists people in handling thoughts they come across in their regular lives. The app lets people manage their journal of day-to-day life. It gives better insight into the thought processes and awareness of thoughtful existence.
- The app is famous for its pleasing user experience and impressive interface.
- It has excellent capability to assist individuals in a positive way of life.
- The Flutter app brings detailed insight and helps people cope with the mental problem.
4. Watermaniac:
People wish to use this app mainly for the functionality and simplicity. It is a lightweight water-monitoring app that utilizes the Flutter. It helps users to keep track of water intake regularly. Users develop frequent targets, gain reminders, and track usage for further consumption.
- With the help of the Flutter framework, developers maintain and upgrade applications if necessary.
- The application enables individuals to utilize mobile as a tracker.
- It is easy to track how much water is consumed every day. Users have a great chance to manage optimal health balance.
The app is a good choice for fitness seekers to fulfill fitness and lifestyle goals. Developers make it with an easy-to-use interface and customized notifications. Convenient and pleasing UI attract the user very much.
5. Hamilton:
It is the official application of the Broadway musical Hamilton. The app uses a flutter framework and maintains the simplicity and attractiveness. The app builds with incredible attributes such as Hamilton Today, karaoke, daily trivia game, and the official Hamilton lottery.
Hamcam facilitates users to share and click photos with the perfect theme overlay. The app interface is excellent and superb. The Flutter app keeps you constantly updated with music news. When using the app, you can discover the striking functionality.
6. Cryptograph:
It is the most popular flutter app in the crypto space today. Users enjoy the top-notch results in observing and tracking updates on a vast range of digital currency including Bitcoin, litecoin, Ethereum, ripple, dogecoin, and a lot more.
- The app can operate by the Flutter framework and gives real-time information to users.
- Exchange rate maps provide accurate information.
- Users have great freedom to monitor market movement and specific crypto history.
- The app keeps updated reports and statistics on different digital currencies.
When incorporating applications, you can get the latest updates regarding crypto. It shows the currency exchange rate and allows people to pick and add the token or coin to their favorites. It is suitable for fast monitoring.
7. Xianyu:
When it comes to an app built with Flutter, you can consider Xianyu. It is a famous cross-platform mobile app for Alibaba. Successful e-commerce possesses millions of downloads. It is suitable for the small and large scale business to shop the product in small or bulk quantities based on their wish.
It is the perfect paradigm of flutter utility. Flutter is a unique mobile app development tool for large-scale apps that keep a high volume of transactions. The app is rich in easy search, navigation throughout diverse categories, and a user-friendly experience.
8. KlasterMe:
It is the perfect application for flutter development. Users have complete freedom to develop their own pages to display creations ranging from photos to the sketch and artwork. Users with the shared interest can sort out into communities.
It is easy to gain recognition and draw feedback. People love this app because of its easy to follow and attractive UI. The app comprises reliable features, including a personal portfolio and creating polls. You can seamlessly access the tools to make the page.
9. Meritec digital learning:
Meritec digital learning is a most demanding app for many learners today. It uses the Flutter framework to make the app stand out from the rest. The app provides a portfolio of e-learning products on several topics, from fraud detection to cyber security.
It is helpful for learners to discover a variety of courses. You have a stunning gateway to learning your favorite course. With the app, one can learn diverse subjects like cyber security, digital well-being, GDPR, and fraud awareness. An app aids users in quickly navigating to any course without spending too much time.
Flutter is a highly promising framework among many developers for app development. It has given great success to the app in recent days. Flutter framework allowed by global developers. Developers create applications with less coding and attain stunning functionality and performance.