Use of Dental Elevators for Tooth Extraction Procedures!

Removing a tooth root is one of the most time-consuming and complex procedures in modern dental practice. The indication for its implementation is the preservation of the root part of the tooth in the gum, provided the crown is completely destroyed. Untimely operations for the extraction of such units are a factor contributing to the development of a whole range of diseases such as periodontitis, periostitis, etc. That is why “problem” roots must be removed as soon as possible. However, elevators, extraction forceps, and other dental instruments help with the procedure.
Extraction of teeth is the most common procedure in dental practice. However, with modern equipment and quality dental instruments, this procedure nowadays is much easier for both the doctor and the patient. For those who are to be removed, it’s important to familiarize themselves with all the nuances and important points on which the positive outcome and the absence of side effects depend.
Various methods perform the tooth extraction procedure. Some dentists use the elevators, some use a drill, while others choose the surgical extraction procedure for completing the treatment. It all depends on the decision on the problem, its condition, location, number, size of roots, and other parameters.
Elevators are the most prominent way to remove the tooth from roots safely. However, what are elevators and how are they used for tooth extraction procedures?
Let’s find out!
Table of Content
- What are Dental Elevators?
- The Procedure of Tooth Extraction
- Extraction of a Dental Root with Forceps
- Operation With the Use of Elevators
- Benefits of Dental Elevators
Wrapping Up!
What are Dental Elevators?
Elevators are indispensable in any dental application. They can be utilized to release teeth preceding extraction with forceps to extract roots or harmed teeth. This technique is important when teeth are susceptible to fractures or when they’re inappropriately situated and can’t be removed with extraction forceps.
Classic elevators are thicker with an unequivocally curved shoulder and less sharp. These are utilized in dentistry to pull or remove teeth out of the socket. Albeit in various kinds of dentistry all teeth aren’t taken out in any case, elevators are still incredibly famous and valuable apparatuses. This is particularly obvious where more power or more force is necessitated to dislodge a tooth.
Elevators are more grounded and sturdy in light of the fact that the functioning part is thicker. Many practitioners use elevators to tire and cut off the periodontal connection, as opposed to cutting it, as was finished with a sharp Luxator. Hence, elevators are by and large the most ideal decision for individuals who are less knowledgeable about the suggested tooth extraction tactics.
The Procedure of Tooth Extraction
The tooth root extraction operation is performed under nearby anesthesia. Prior to beginning the procedure, the specialist cautiously analyzes the results of the X-ray examination. The data acquired during the examination of the picture assists the specialist with arranging the course of the operation and selecting the essential instruments. During surgery, the following can be used:
- Forceps
- Elevator
- Dental drill
Extraction of a Dental Root with Forceps
In the primary case, the operation starts with a cautious separation of the gums and other tight-fitting tissues from the root staying in the jaw tissues. Then, at that point, the specialist applies forceps to the root of the tooth and pushes their cheeks under the gum tissue, attempting to hold the unit to be separated as firmly as could really be expected. A well-fixed root is dislocated with rocking or rotating movements and carefully removed from the alveolar socket.
Operation With the Use of Elevators
Elevators are used in cases where there are no conditions for removing them with forceps. The doctor carefully peels off the tissue adjacent to the remainder of the tooth, inserts an elevator into the space between the wall of the alveoli and the unit to be removed. And using the instrument, they gently dislocate the root. When the root part becomes mobile, the surgeon removes it from the socket using forceps.
This operation is carried out in several stages and includes:
- Before removal, an X-ray is taken to assess the location, shape, size of the roots, the presence of complications, etc. Radiography is required for complicated extraction;
- Different forceps can be used for extraction. For canines and incisors – straight with narrow cheeks. For molars and premolars – S-shaped with additional spines. And, for incisors of the lower jaw – curved at right angles;
- When removing roots, elevators are used. The cheeks of which can converge with each other;
- After removal in case of bleeding or with a large hole, sutures are applied.
The duration of the operation to remove the root of the tooth can vary from a few minutes to 2-3 hours.
Benefits of Dental Elevators
As referenced above, a dental elevator is a strategy to remove a tooth from the root. In dentistry, there are various kinds of lift elevator instruments – angular, bayonet, and straight. Elevators with a functioning part as a blade are straight, which is utilized for performing narrow errands. They’re demonstrated for the elimination of roots, dystopian units, and third molars in the upper jaw.
The viability of tooth particle luxation is affected by elevator tip shape and size, the size, and the vectors of powers applied to the tooth particle by the tip and separating and bone removal within the operating field. Controlled extraction procedures are worked with a dental working microscope or the amplification of binocular surgical loupes telescopes, combined with coaxial illumination.
Wrapping Up!
When using any technique, before the start of the extraction, the dentist-surgeon conducts an examination, makes an X-ray to assess the condition of the dental roots, their number, location, etc. Doctors of dentistry recommend performing the extraction only in cases when the tooth can’t be preserved or it interferes with the correct position of other teeth, displacing the dentition. After extraction, it’s possible to suture, use hemostatic, or antiseptic compounds.