What Is Abstract Art?

The term ‘Abstract Art ‘is frequently used to describe artworks, which are not traditionally described as being ‘conventional’. Abstract art utilizes visual language of form, shape, color and texture to produce a composition that can exist without a basis in conventional visual references in the real world. In contrast to more traditional ‘traditional’ forms of art, abstract art doesn’t attempt to depict a specific representational style or representational subject. However, many artists who dabble in abstract art have an understanding of how the process of abstract art works and how they can use it to express themselves creatively. Buy art paintings online from online auction sites in order to pick out great art pieces.
This style of painting came about during the later years of the 19th century, when artists such as Picasso, Manet and Braque had begun to explore the visual world in new ways. These artists used a variety of techniques to produce their ‘Abstract Art’ expressions and this included repetition, chromatic distortion, opaque/translucent backgrounds, free forms and graded repetition. They were ahead of the majority of modern artists when it comes to the exploration of the abstract expressionism style of painting. Some of these abstract expressions are still popular today and are even used in modern advertising campaigns and exhibitions. Know more about schilderij bloemen here.
Art lovers and art enthusiasts have a particular fondness for this type of painting due to its unique and exciting nature. Abstract art is much harder to define and, therefore, easier to love. Due to the fact that it creates more of a challenge to define its boundaries, abstract art continues to attract a dedicated group of admirers. Many experts agree that there is much strength in the work of artists who express themselves in this way.
A number of factors make abstract art appealing to a wide variety of viewers. This style of art allows for a greater degree of variation and therefore it invites people to view their favourite artists to work in new ways. Abstract art also challenges the observer to question his/her assumptions and, ultimately, opens up possibilities that the artist is attempting to communicate. With this said, many artists will argue that there is not necessarily any form of ‘hidden meaning’ associated with abstract art.
One of the early art movements to highlight the rejection of the conventions of the ‘modern’ society, and which was still widely regarded as being highly subjective, were abstract expressionism. This group of artists, who were mostly from France and Germany, were primarily focused on creating ‘lines’ and shapes and bringing them to life with vibrant colours and shapes. The most famous of these artists, Mark Rothko, followed a similar style and used equally strong contrasts. Another important member of this group was Pablo Picasso, who, following his own ‘Cubism’ style, created ‘The Spanish Strangers’.
During the early part of the 20th century, the movement gained momentum and its scope widened to include Expressionism. Though there was some criticism of the art form and some of the artists involved (like Braque & Gris), the art was widely accepted in mainstream culture. Many critics have stated that Expressionism was a form of art that attempted to capture the ‘altered states of awareness’ that are a result of prolonged meditation. It was this movement that helped to define the boundaries between art and simply ‘art’. Since then, abstract art has been defined as an attempt to depict feelings in a visual manner.
Modernism on the other hand, was a movement that arose in the later part of the 20th century. The artistically bolder style of Modernism set the tone for a new breed of artists who were bolder still in their pursuit of expressing abstract art. Some of the pioneers of the modernist movement included artist, Jasper Johns, who coloured his pictures using vegetable based colours. John Pilsworth, another Modernist painter, created ‘landscapes’ using only basic colours. Other prominent Modernists like Robert Rauschenberg, didn’t shy away from expressing his political views in his work.
There is no one answer to what constitutes abstract art. The best that can be done is to say that it is a field that is still in its discovery period. Although there have been attempts across various artistic styles to coin a pre-defined definition of abstract art, no comprehensive statement can be made. As it is, abstract art is a relative term, used to describe works that fall outside of both the realm of traditional art and the more specific, object-oriented art movements such as Cubism and Fauvism. It is this ever-changing and unstable terrain of what is known today as abstract art, that lends it the intrigue, mystery and excitement of a truly intriguing subject matter.